WonderSlow was performed continuously for 15 hours by Dandelion Dancetheater and guests, in Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland on June 10th, 2011. Video by Eric Kupers. Photos are by Luiza Silva.




 WONDERSLOW PHOTOS   (click on any photo to view a larger version.)

Dandelion_Wonderslow_Wonder_sign_Oakland The “Wonder Sign” that started it all…
Dandelion_Wonderslow_Eric_Oakland_Downtown Eric Kupers
Dandelion_Wonderslow_Anne_Procession_Drum Anne-Lise Reusswig, Eric Kupers and Community Members
Dandelion_Wonderslow_Frank_Ogawa_Plaza_flocking Julia Hollas, Eric Kupers, Cristina Carrasquillo
Dandelion_Wonderslow_German_Wheelchair_Oakland_City_Hall Dana DeGuzman, Chris Gallegos, Eric Kupers
Dandelion_Wonderslow_David_Violin_Singing David Ryther
Dandelion_Wonderslow_Oakland_Trio_Forward Eric Kupers, Cristina Carrasquillo, Julia Hollas